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  • Writer's pictureKissy Rakhlin

The New Normal

It's been a while since I've written a new blog because, let's face it- every day during this pandemic, especially as a parent with young kids, is pretty much the same. Wake up, make everyone breakfast, do some sort of home schooling- online meetings with teachers, or worksheets/reading/writing, or going on a long nature walk- give snacks, play games, make lunches, try to get some sort of workout in, enforce quiet time for an hour, tell them after 10, 15, 20, 25 etc minutes that no, it has not been an hour yet, give more snacks, get outside for biking/scootering/chalk drawing if it's nice out or a movie if it's not, make everyone dinner, watch TV, give baths, do bedtime, fall into the couch in exhaustion, go to sleep and repeat the next day. But today was slightly different.

First of all, it was beautiful outside for the second day in a row, which really helps things. Sunshine and warmer temps is like magic. Second, I drove today! First was to a wooded area in the morning for a beautiful hike with the kids, and second was to run a couple local errands after lunch (picking up a Seder plate from the Temple up the street and picking up some hair products for my newfound curly hair that a friend generously put outside her house for me). Oh how I miss driving. Windows down, music up, foot on the pedal and hands on the wheel. I love it so much and I really miss it. As I'm typing this I'm realizing that this could be why I suddenly have fallen in love with running. I've never been a runner but over the past 3 weeks I've run about 25 miles and on days when I know I'm running I get giddy when I wake up. Maybe it's somehow replaced driving for me? Either way, I'll take it.

Then, this afternoon I became a hairdresser and a groomer for my family. I'm used to cutting my husband's hair, but today I cut Josh's too. He did great and they both ended up looking so handsome that I got unreasonably confident and decided to groom my dog as well. My 11-year-old shih tzu diva who is used being pampered with $70 haircuts. I watched a video on YouTube, sent my husband and children away on a walk and got to work in the backyard. She did a lot of growling, squirming, shaking and trying to bite me while I spent the time swearing, sweating, trying to hold her down on my lap with my feet, and basically questioning everything I've ever done in my life that led me to this point. But the end result was surprisingly good and although she won't look at me I think she's secretly grateful. Then, to top it all off, tonight was the supermoon. After we put the kids to bed we went outside to look at it and I really felt an energy shift. Either that or it was just that second glass of wine feeling, but either way something was happening. It was a nice change of pace to do some things today that I haven't done in weeks, because tomorrow we go back to the "new normal" routine, and now I'm ready for it. Go get 'em, everyone. Let's all make the best of this time.

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