I can't really believe that the title of this blog is Viruses and Quarantines and that I'm not referring to a science fiction movie or a nightmare I had. Nope, this is real life and it's getting more surreal every day. With each passing day, we're finding out that travel in and out of the country is getting restricted, businesses are being shut down, universities are going virtual, public events are being canceled, and our schools may soon be closed for an indefinite period of time. Now, if you know anything about me at all, you know that I am always calm as a cucumber and am also an expert in infectious diseases. Kidding- neither of those could be further from the truth. While I have not panicked yet, I am just now starting to realize that our lives could really be turned upside down soon. And not just with some fun family trips we have scheduled that may have to be canceled, but by things like being stuck in our homes for days on end.
Had you told me way before I had kids, when I worked an office job that I hated, that we would have to stay in our homes and not leave, I would have said SIGN ME UP- YES PLEASE! NOW! STAT! ASAP! I would have turned our apartment at the time into a cozy haven, stocked up on dvd's and books and puzzles, purchased all the comfy blankets available within a 5 mile radius, locked the doors and hunkered down. But now, with two little kids who need outlet for all of their energy, and love to learn, and thrive on socializing with their friends, I'm pretty terrified of the prospect of being quarantined. The whole idea that this virus is basically uncharted territory, and everyone is just doing the best they can with the limited knowledge we have, is plain old spooky to me. No one knows if what they're doing is the right thing or not, and the people I normally usually look to for guidance and past experience are as clueless about it as I am.
I still, deep down, think (and hope and pray), that this virus will not affect the majority of people. But I'm scared for anyone who has underlying health issues who could be more susceptible to the virus should they come in contact with it. I saw a quote from a Doctor the other day that said "suspend your conveniences" and that's what I'm trying to do. Trying not to get upset when things are getting canceled or restricted or shut down, because the only thing that matters right now is the health of everyone that I love. I'm also wishing right about now that we lived on a compound like the one in Big Love. That would be so convenient.