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Kiss and Tell

Capturing life's funny moments

Welcome to Kiss and Tell, a unique blog filled with knee slapping tales of my life as a stay at home mom of two, wife, writer, daughter, sister, friend and Crossfit enthusiast. Grab a cup of something delicious and enjoy.

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Day 3

It's so surreal to be living through a huge part of history. Living through a time that my great, great grandchildren will talk about,...

Day 2 (It takes a village...and a virus)

What a day. The first thing I have to say is how grateful I am for my village. We live in a neighborhood with tons of families with young...

Day 1

Today is Friday the 13th and also the first day of life as we know it changing drastically. Schools in the area are closed for a minimum...

Viruses and Quarantines

I can't really believe that the title of this blog is Viruses and Quarantines and that I'm not referring to a science fiction movie or a...

Anxiety and Punctuality

People who live with anxiety are all affected by it in different ways. For me personally, one major way that my anxiety has always...

Football and Free Agents

Gotcha! If you think I could or would write an entire piece about football and free agents, you're out of your mind. The only thing I...

Fire and Ice

We moved into our current house 6 years ago this spring. We've made a lot of updates and changes to it over the years, including one...

Leap Years and Due Dates

I was at Trader Joe's yesterday, standing in line to pay, not minding my own business whatsoever, behind a very adorable and large...

Birthdays and Rule Following

My birthday was two weeks ago. I turned 38- which is so odd because I feel 18. Fine, let's not go crazy- I don't feel 18. But definitely...

Jerseys and Tutus

One of the more fascinating parts of parenthood (and there are many) is when your kid is doing something that is so frustrating to you...

New Years Resolutions and The Tooth Fairy

Welcome to my blog! I've always loved to write and have often dreamed of writing a book. As a Creative Writing major in College, I sort...

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